Lowongan kerja di PT. RUMAH NEGERI
Dibutuhkan :
Adapun fasilitas/ benefit yang akan didapat :
1. Gaji Pokok Proporsional/ Competitive
2. Komisi per unit penjualan
3. Reward untuk pencapaian target tertentu (reward berupa tour ke luar negri, rumah, dll)
4. Bonus
Syarat dan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1. Pria/ Wanita lulusan minimal SMA sederajad
2. Mempunyai kendaraan sendiri
3. Memiliki skill komunikasi yang baik
4. Bersedia mengikuti training yang ditetapkan perusahaan
5. Bersedia bekerja full (bukansebagai kerja sampingan)
6. Mampu bekerja secara individu maupun team
7. Bersedia bekerja dengan target
Antar surat CV + Surat lamaran ke PT. RUMAH NEGERI Jl. Pelita No. 41a Samarinda (Dekat simpang 4 gerilya) UP. Bpk. Muksin Cp. 0853 8811 3317
Tanggal Berakhir: 02-01-2014
Lokasi: Samarinda - Kalimantan Timur
PT. Karyaputra Suryagemilang
Profile perusahaan
KPSG was established in 1990 as the first and leading outsourcing provider in Indonesia, started its business in the area of Human Resource Services, manual Payroll Process Services and traditional Contact Center Services.Eversince Titan Group's full acquisition in 2002, KPSG started its transition from a traditional outsourcing provider to a Business Management Services provider by initiating several service improvements. One of the most significant is the launching of KPSG Inhoused Contact Center System Application OnTrace® which resulted in the success penetration of KPSG Contact Center Services. Currently KPSG has around 2.000 contact center workstation and around 7.000 managed employees, serving many high-profile-clients in Banking and Insurance industry.Additionally, KPSG expanded its Payroll Process Services by initiating strategic alliance with the biggest worldwide Payroll Services company - ADP Streamline. And now, KPSG has been successfully serving around 100 clients for around 15.000 payslips and statutory records on monthly basis.As KPSG commitment to provide service quality and accessibility to its clients, KPSG expanded its national base to 9 branches in Tangerang, Medan, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Samarinda and Makassar. These expansions are also very supportive in accommodating client’s expansion growth . Now, KPSG services delivery are categorized into 3 (three) services pillars: Contact Center Services, Human Resources Services, and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Services. KPSG believes, with the services offered and the long track experience in serving 20++ A-rated banking and insurance clients as well as other non-financial clients, KPSG could support and deliver value for upcoming new projects and expansions for clients, not only to cover national market but also international market with on-shore or off-shore business model.
Detil Pekerjaan
Client kami BRI, saat ini sedang membutuhkan karyawan yang akan ditempatkan di Balikpapan, Samarinda, dan Tenggarong untuk mengisi posisi :
Sales Person Bisnis Mikro (SPBM)
Kualifikasi :
- Pria / Wanita
- Maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan Minimum SMA/Sederajat
- Berpenampilan menarik dan ramah
- Kreatif, adaptif, dan komunikatif
- Berorientasi pada hasil dan menyukai tantangan
- Memiliki Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik dari Institusi yang berwenang
- Tidak terikat hubungan kerja dengan perusahaan lain
Segera kirimkan CV lengkap beserta Foto 4X6 sebanyak 4 lembar, ke alamat:
PT. Karyaputra Suryagemilang (Samarinda Branch Office)
Ruko Mitra Mas 8 Jl. A. Yani 1 No.23/30 RT 17, Samarinda 75117
Atau email :
Tanggal Berakhir: 03-01-2014
Lokasi: Samarinda - Kalimantan Timur
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